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Native to Jamaica, this “new” spice made an appearance in European and Mediterranean dishes in the 16th century. It smells like a combination of Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Cloves and Pepper, so the English coined it “Allspice.”  Our allspice is stored in a climate-controlled, oxygen-depleted environment before milling to maximize the retention of essential oils. This locks in the strongest flavor and aroma possible.

Add to cooked fruits and relishes, poached fish, and braised meats. Uses include Caribbean Jerk seasonings, Palestinian dishes, Middle Eastern stews, German sausages, English cakes, and American pies.

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Anise Seed


Repairs to the London Bridge were said to be partially paid for by taxes and tolls placed on Anise Seed by King Edward in 1305.  In folklore, Anise is believed to stave off nightmares when placed near the bed.

Use in cookies, pastries and bread. Try adding to savory dishes for a layer of warm licorice flavoring.


Suggested Recipes:

Lemon Anise Biscotti

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The Annatto tree is often referred to as the Lipstick Tree as it is used to color many cosmetics including lipstick. Native to the rain forests of the Yucatan and Belize, the spice is known throughout Central America by its Nahuatl name, Axiote. Blended with other spices and herbs, and ground into a paste, axiote is a mainstay of Yucatecan cuisine, and is used to season primarily chicken, but is also used on fish, lobster, and pork (achiote paste is marketed throughout Central America as “recado rojo”). In India, Hindu women use it to make the mark on their foreheads.

With a distinctive mildly bitter, earthy flavor, the annatto seed is most commonly used in Western culture as a food coloring for cheese, margarine, butter, rice, and smoked fish. We use it as a primary ingredient for our Belizean-inspired Axiote rub for chicken and fish.

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Bitter Orange Peel Bits


Native to Southeast Asia, Bitter Orange, also called Andalusia Orange, is commonly used in bitters, marmalades, and in baking due to its strong citrus aroma and slightly bitter flavor.

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Protected: CB-Persian Lime, Milled


Also called Loomi, Omani, and Black Lemons, Persian Limes are a unique middle eastern flavoring, delivering intense sour and bitter citrus flavor without the sweetness of the fresh fruit.

Use to flavor seafood, vegetables, or meat dishes.  Delivers intense citrus bitterness and sour flavors without the sweetness of the fresh fruit.

7.5 pounds of spice divided into ziplock bags, which hold approximately six cups each.

Does not qualify for free shipping; shipping will be billed separately.

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Coriander is one of the world’s oldest spices and has been used for both culinary and medicinal purposes.  It is reported that coriander can sooth the stomach and that coriander tea might give colicky babies some relief.

Coriander has a citrusy flavor. Use in curry, meat, fish, and chili recipes.  For a little kick of flavor, add coriander to cream cheese and cottage cheese or rub on fresh pork before roasting.

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Native to the Mediterranean and South Asia, Cumin is also a signature flavor for Central American and European cuisines. As a symbol of love and fidelity during the Middle Ages, wedding guests carried Cumin in their pockets, and wives of soldiers added it to baked bread for their husbands. Our Cumin is hand harvested, and has a high percentage of essential oils, delivering more powerful aromatics, and a slightly astringent, citrusy quality.

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Dashi Kombu


Edible kelp used in Japanese cuisine to make dashi, a nutritious all purpose kombu soup stock. Use also to season sushi rice, to add an umami flavor to your cooking, or to ease digestion with dried bean dishes. Our Kombu is wild harvested off the coast of Maine.  It provides high concentrations of iodine, calcium, potassium, iron, carotene, and B vitamins.

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Dill Seed


In Old Norse, the word dill means “to lull” – it was mixed with water to help babies sleep.  Egyptians believed burying dill with their dead would protect them in the afterlife against hunger.

Although Dill has a unique and powerful flavor, it pairs well with a wide variety of foods including poultry, fish, salads, sauces, dips, starches, and vegetables.

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Used for hundreds of years, fennel has been credited by some to increase the flow of milk in nursing mothers and aiding diets by calming hungry stomachs.

Fennel is best added at the end of cooking to preserve its flavor.  Use in meat and vegetable dishes, starches and grains, sauces and herbed butter, salads, eggs, baked goods, and even beverages such as tea and wine.

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Fenugreek was one of the ingredients used in early Egypt incense that emitted the holy smoke for embalming and purification ceremonies.  It is now most commonly used in Thai and Indian cuisines.

Add to curries and chutneys.  Use sparingly as over using can cause bitterness in food.

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Filé Gumbo


Filé Gumbo has been used as a flavoring and sauce thickener for centuries by the Choctaw people in the American South. Made of dried and pulverized leaves of the Sassafras tree, Filé Gumbo provides an authentic flavor and texture for many creole and Cajun dishes.

Use 2-3 tsp of Filé Gumbo toward the end of cooking gumbo, fish stews, and other creole or Cajun dishes as a flavoring and sauce thickener.

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